the green triangle, by rachel homard
Book reviews

Book review: The Green Triangle, by Rachel Homard

Kickass hero? ‘Course she is! We wouldn’t have a fraction of the braveness Savannah has to fight criminals, but well, if we really had to, then we wouldn’t mind the help of a sexy veteran… just saying, y’all! We had the chance to read ‘The Green Triangle’ as advanced readers some months ago, and you can’t believe how much romance and danger Rachel Homard put on the pages!



Ana’s review on Goodreads

I really enjoyed Rachel Homard’s The Green Triangle. The characters are compelling and come alive in the narrative, and I caught myself thinking about them when I wasn’t reading it. This novel has a fast pace and a dangerous mood that is deliciously amusing. I could say it’s a Dan Brown meets Nicholas Sparks. Interesting and driven with all that military set and mystery to be solved, but at the same time, it is going to make you fall in love alongside Savannah and Joe. Very nice reading for sure!