ana e josie em boston
Nomad Life

Backpacking with a friend: how to avoid fights

Do you think we fight a lot? The most common question people ask us is:
“But girls, you’ve been traveling together for all this time. Don’t you get sick of each other? ’

As crazy as it may seem, our answer is no! We don’t fight and, so far, we haven’t gotten sick of each other. (But we don’t mind it when there are two rooms available… haha)

When we started planning ‘30 on the road’ we knew we would spend lots of time together, but we couldn’t have imagined then that it would be THAT MUCH.

Even though we have different sleeping habits—Ana is an early bird while Josie is a night owl —we have the same daily routine. From the simplest decision (Are we going to cook lentils for lunch?) to the most complex ones (Are we going to do a stopover in Chile in October?) we’re always in the same boat.   

This much time together sure shows in our personalities: we are getting into the same habits; we think and say exactly the same things at the same time; it’s like we’ve become one single person. We are more alike than ever!

Josie who didn’t use to have breakfast in the past now eats scrambled eggs at 8 am. Ana who used to fall asleep at 10 pm, can stay awake after midnight easily. We even found out we have almost the same birth chart!  

It’s true that once in a while, one of us says something a bit ‘sharp’, takes a deep breath, or criticizes the other by making a joke of a situation… Sometimes, our tone changes and the debate gains a hint of competition: who is right?  

 But we soon regret it and raise the flag of peace. We don’t let things get too far.

What’s the secret?

The keywords are probably good humor and purpose. Good humor to deal with daily life problems and the bad habits of your friend. And purpose because we are aware that our project will only work if we are very united by it.

Most importantly, we value each other. We know that a friendship like ours is rare. We’re soul sisters! We joke, advise, take care, and worry about each other. We dream together. We apologize and can talk for hours about life while sharing a pan of ‘brigadeiro’. 

Besides that, we share lots of dreams and we do feel the same passion for traveling the world. Can you think of a better combination? 

Do you have a good friend?

Dream together, be generous and patient to each other, cherish this beautiful feeling. And well, if you get the chance, travel together! This will certainly be an opportunity to learn more about the other and about yourself; and you sure are going to create memories that will stay in your mind forever. Good laughs at least are guaranteed!