Lago com montanhas
Nomad Life

Life doesn’t have to be difficult: what we’ve learned about abundance after one year on the road

When we talk to people about our first year on the road, they often ask us, with the tone of someone who intends to show how impressed they are: ‘But tell me: It wasn’t easy, was it? You guys must have had moments you wanted to give up because of how difficult things were, didn’t you?’ At these moments, we usually answer a bit shy: ‘Actually, it was really easy. There were only good things on our way ’.

This dialogue illustrates one of the most valuable lessons we learned on this trip, and that will surely change the way we live our lives forever:

Abundance is simple to get.

Our culture says that life must be hard. That there’s no glory without sweat and blood, and that the pain is part of the walk toward our dreams. We hear it so much that we start reproducing speeches like: ‘You can’t imagine how difficult it was, but I did it’; ‘There was little sleep, lots of worries, but I’ve made it this far’; ‘We fought, we suffered lots, but in the end, we stayed together’. It seems that achievements are only cherished if the path to them was paved with lots of difficulties.

Then it’s time for what we’ve learned:

According to different currents of thought, abundance is an accessible resource for everyone. Inside each one of us, there is an infinite source with everything we want for our life: health, love, friends, a prosperous life… Everything is there, waiting to be awakened.

The process of awakening can happen in different ways: by meditation, by mentalization exercises, by repeating mantras, by prayers, and mainly, by watching our thoughts.

Do you want something to happen in your life? Act like a champion. You already have what you want, it is already happening, you are already fulfilled, and enjoying what you want. You see the path that needs to be taken, and on that path, only good things will happen.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that you’ll just sit, mentalize it and, suddenly, it will fall from the sky (well, that isn’t impossible to happen, but that’s a topic for another post). You still have to live the real-life, work, study, plan, but while you do that, the burden you must carry gets lighter. The path gets shorter and simpler to be walked. When we believe everything we want is already within us, things are easier. After all, what’s closer to us than our own self?

If you think our ‘crazy talk’ resonates with you, and want to give it a try, you may start mentalizing this mantra:

“I create my personal abundance from an infinite source, and it is easily accessed from within.”

Do you wanna learn more? On YouTube, you’ll find a series of videos called ’21 days of abundance with Deepak Chopra’. Wanna dig a bit more? The book ‘The Secret’ brings lots of these concepts.

A shout out to our Fairy Godmother, Sâmara Irumé, who has given us the opportunity to learn about abundance, and who has been sharing the walk toward self-knowledge with us.